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Brooklyn Brawler Talks About Maybe Getting into WWE Hall of Fame and His Wrestling Legacy

Steve Lombardi
Steve Lombardi (WWE)

Steve Lombardi, known as the Brooklyn Brawler in the WWE, boasts a remarkable wrestling career spanning over 33 years. Throughout his tenure, he grappled with renowned stars like Pedro Morales, Jake “The Snake” Roberts, and The Ultimate Warrior.

Beyond the WWE, Lombardi showcased his skills in various promotions, including Ultimate Championship Wrestling, Border-City Wrestling, and Legends of Wrestling. Despite his illustrious career, Lombardi has yet to receive induction into the WWE Hall of Fame, a notable absence that he addressed in a recent interview with Chris Van Vliet on “Insight.”

While Lombardi believes he deserves a place in the Hall of Fame due to his extensive contributions and accolades, he maintains a grounded perspective on the matter. Expressing his sentiments, Lombardi stated that although he doesn’t lose sleep over the absence of this recognition, he envisions himself eventually being honored by the institution.

Steve Lombardi
Steve Lombardi, also known as the Brooklyn Brawler (WWE)

He humorously remarked that he hopes this recognition won’t come posthumously, emphasizing the value he places on his memories and experiences within the wrestling industry.

Reflecting on his legacy, Lombardi expressed profound satisfaction with the trajectory of his career. He asserted that his life had unfolded like a storybook, filled with experiences he cherished deeply.

Lombardi conveyed his reluctance to alter any aspect of his journey, highlighting his unwavering love for the profession and gratitude for his contributions to wrestling. Despite varying interpretations of his legacy, Lombardi remains steadfast in his belief that his body of work warrants recognition, citing his extensive contributions to the WWE over the years.

Devendra Kumar

Written by Devendra Kumar

Devendra has been creating news reels for almost a decade now and he wants to share his knowledge and experience here at MiceNewsPH. You can reach out to him at [email protected]

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