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Ricochet Reportedly Leaving WWE as Contract Ends, Mark Henry Criticizes Career Management

Ricochet and Mark Henry
Ricochet and Mark Henry (WWE)

Ricochet appears to be nearing the end of his tenure with WWE as his contract approaches its expiration. The high-flying performer, known as “The One and Only,” has reportedly chosen to leave the company soon. WWE Hall of Famer Mark Henry discussed the situation on a recent episode of “Busted Open Radio,” reflecting on the ways WWE might have mishandled Ricochet’s career.

Mark Henry pointed out that Ricochet’s professional demeanor and aversion to confrontation may have worked against him. Henry believes Ricochet’s lack of assertiveness led to situations where he should have stood up for himself. He recounted instances where Ricochet should have refused to lose certain matches, suggesting that these losses diminished his stature within WWE.

Ricochet and Mark Henry
Ricochet and Mark Henry (WWE)

Henry expressed dissatisfaction with Ricochet’s loss to Logan Paul at SummerSlam 2023, a match where Paul used brass knuckles to win.

While Henry acknowledged WWE’s entertainment-focused approach, he argued that Ricochet’s frequent losses have negatively impacted his value. The perception of Ricochet as a “good guy” who avoids making waves has, in Henry’s view, contributed to his devaluation in the company.

Throughout his six-year stint with WWE, Ricochet achieved notable success, including winning the North American Championship and the 2019 Dusty Rhodes Classic in “NXT.”

On the main roster, he also secured the Intercontinental Championship, United States Championship, and Speed Championship. Despite these accomplishments, his recent string of high-profile losses has overshadowed his earlier successes, prompting discussions about his potential departure from WWE.

Richard Soriano

Written by Richard Soriano

Richard is a massive WWE fan and you will often find him covering WWE news at MiceNews.

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