A 38-year-old woman named Tanya was sentenced to seven years in prison for cutting off her 41-year-old lover’s penis during a botched sexual encounter in May 2021. According to reports, Tanya convinced Abdul, a man from Bangladesh, to cover his eyes with a napkin, claiming it made her feel embarrassed. She then produced a knife from her pocket and sliced off Abdul’s penis, causing severe injuries. Abdul was recovering from the attack and was waiting for a prosthetic penis.
Prior to the attack, Abdul was planning to return to his homeland and was worried about the consequences of the attack on his personal and professional life. The woman’s motives for the attack were still unclear, but prosecutors believed she may have acted out of jealousy due to Abdul’s plans to return to Bangladesh. Initially, Tanya denied any wrongdoing, but later changed her mind and admitted her guilt after consulting with her lawyer. She was arrested and charged with a crime of aggravated wounding, and the prosecution was seeking a 10-year prison sentence.
Tanya struck a plea bargain deal, agreeing to a seven-year sentence. In addition to her prison sentence, she was also ordered to pay her former partner €250,000 in compensation. The man was her boss at a bar in Sant Andreu de la Barca near Barcelona, and the two had been seeing each other for four years. The attack was extensively covered by CCTV camera footage, which showed Tanya producing the knife and attacking Abdul. The footage also showed Abdul running to a nearby police station to report the incident and seeking medical attention.
Abdul is now living with a relative and working part-time in a supermarket to make ends meet. He is surviving on a fraction of the amount he was previously earning as the owner of two bars. The incident has had a significant impact on his personal and professional life, and he is still struggling to come to terms with the aftermath of the attack. Abdul’s life has been forever changed, and he is still trying to rebuild his life and overcome the trauma caused by the attack.