Moscow’s authorities have taken a harsh stance on celebrating diversity, shutting down a fan event for the popular cartoon series My Little Pony. The Mi Amore convention, planned as a celebration of the show’s adult fans, was suddenly shut down by organizers after police arrived at the venue. The sudden closure was allegedly due to a complaint about alleged LGBT+ propaganda, despite the police failing to find any evidence of illegal activity. According to event organizers, the police asked them to close the event early, but ultimately, the convention was shut down altogether after receiving unconfirmed reports of more officers heading to the venue.
The event, which featured an animated horse with a mane styled in the colors of the Russian flag as its logo, was intended to include live music and stalls selling merchandise. Meant for children, the convention focused on the magical power of friendship, but the animated series has previously sparked concern in Russia due to its depiction of non-traditional relationships and related symbols. In December, Russian movie database Kinopoisk changed its rating for the show to an adult-only 18+, sparking speculation that the decision was linked to the character Rainbow Dash, whose multi-colored mane and tail are similar to the LGBT+ pride flag.
Under President Vladimir Putin’s 24-year rule, Russia has seen a growing crackdown on LGBT+ people. The Russian Supreme Court banned the LGBT+ “movement” in Russia in November, labeling it an extremist organization. This ruling has led to a ban on public displays of symbols of extremist organizations, resulting in at least three individuals who displayed rainbow-colored items receiving jail time or fines. The Mi Amore convention debacle highlights the growing hostility towards the LGBT+ community in Russia, where “traditional family values” are increasingly being promoted as a cornerstone of the government’s rule.
The sudden closure of the convention and the alleged reason for it has sparked concerns about the safety and freedom of expression for members of the LGBT+ community in Russia. The country’s increasingly conservative climate under President Putin’s rule has led to a growing crackdown on the community, with the recent ban on public displays of LGBT+ symbols and the labeling of the community as an extremist organization. The Mi Amore convention debacle serves as a stark reminder of the hostility and danger faced by the LGBT+ community in Russia.