Russian occupation forces in Ukraine are utilizing Starlink terminals produced by Elon Musk’s SpaceX for satellite internet, according to Ukraine’s Main Directorate of Intelligence. The agency has registered cases of Russian forces using the devices, which are allegedly being used by units such as the 83rd Air Assault Brigade fighting near embattled towns in the Donetsk region.
Ukraine’s government has not provided details on how the Russian forces obtained the terminals, but intercepted an exchange between soldiers discussing setting up the devices. The agency posted an audio clip of the exchange on Telegram messenger as evidence. Ukraine’s official statement on Russia’s alleged use of Starlink is its first public acknowledgment of the issue.
The Russian defense ministry has not commented on the matter, and Starlink claims it does not do business with Russia’s government or military. According to a statement, Starlink’s terminals were not active in Russia, and the company had never sold or marketed the service in Russia, nor shipped equipment to locations in Russia. However, Ukrainian government sources told Reuters that Russian use of Starlink has been detected in occupied Ukrainian territory, with one source saying they are trying to obtain data on the scale of such use.
It is unclear whether the Russian forces obtained the terminals through procurement from abroad or capture from Ukrainian forces. Starlink claimed in a statement that if it obtains knowledge that a Starlink terminal is being used by a sanctioned or unauthorized party, it investigates the claim and takes actions to deactivate the terminal if confirmed. However, the company did not address the possible use of Starlink terminals in occupied areas of Ukraine.
The news raises questions about the extent of Russia’s use of Starlink technology and whether it is being used to support military operations in Ukraine. The Ukrainian government has sought to highlight the issue in an effort to raise awareness of Russia’s activities in the region. With Russia’s invasion of Ukraine ongoing, the use of satellite internet technology could potentially play a significant role in supporting military operations.
As the conflict continues, the situation highlights the complexities of space-based technology and its potential use for military purposes. The fact that Starlink terminals are being used by Russian occupation forces in Ukraine raises concerns about the security of the technology and the potential for it to be used for malicious purposes. The incident also highlights the need for the international community to take action to prevent the use of space-based technology for military purposes.
The use of Starlink terminals by Russian occupation forces in Ukraine raises serious concerns about the security of the technology and the potential for it to be used for malicious purposes. The incident highlights the need for the international community to take action to prevent the use of space-based technology for military purposes and to ensure that such technology is used for peaceful purposes only.