The dramatic tale of 17-year-old Alex Batty’s six-year disappearance with his mother, Melanie, may be nearing its conclusion. According to prosecutors, Alex’s mother may be in Finland, where she previously planned to move, and his grandfather, David Batty, is believed to have passed away six months ago. Alex was found in France, where he had been living with his mother and their unconventional community.
Alex’s mother and grandfather were last seen with him in 2017, when they went on a family holiday to Spain. The trio was believed to have been abducted to live an “alternative” lifestyle abroad, away from the traditional world. Over the years, the family had developed an obsession with solar panels, and their community, which practiced meditation and reincarnation, had no connection with the outside world.
When Alex’s grandfather died, he took part in a “meditation ceremony” and eventually decided to leave his mother’s side, going on a four-day, four-night journey on foot. During this time, he had no connection with the outside world, sleeping during the day and walking at night. According to prosecutor Antoine Leroy, Alex was “tired” but overall in good health when he was checked over by officials.
Now, it appears that Alex’s journey is coming to an end. He was found by French authorities, who are said to be caring for him well. Alex’s grandmother, Susan Caruana, had a video call with him on Thursday evening, expressing her emotional relief at being reunited with her grandson. Assistant Chief Constable Chris Sykes spoke of the UK’s concerns for bringing Alex back home safely and ensuring his wellbeing.
As the authorities work to reunite Alex with his family, the mystery surrounding his disappearance and the unconventional community he was part of continues to unfold. It remains to be seen what challenges Alex will face as he readjusts to life outside of his mother’s influence and begins to reconnect with his family and the world at large.