
Kevin Spacey’s Alleged Victim Testifies in Court, Calling the Actor a ‘Vile Sexual Predator’

Kevin Space (Via Kevin Space/Twitter)

Kevin Spacey’s alleged victim calls the two-time Oscar winner “atrocious, despicable, disgusting” as he testified in court about the alleged sexual assault.

The victim, who had been warned about Spacey’s alleged penchant for young straight men, wrote to the actor seeking help, which led to the alleged incident. He told jurors he was “dumbstruck, starstruck by the idea of essentially meeting an idol” when he met Spacey. According to the victim, Spacey initiated a “remarkably inappropriate” hug, which made him feel like he was “being circled by a shark”. The witness claimed that Spacey then put his head on his crotch, an alleged sexual act that the victim did not consent to because he was asleep.

The victim told police he felt “like I was being messed with” during the encounter and that he was worried about making Spacey angry, as the actor was a powerful figure in the industry. He said he did not leave when Spacey put his head in his crotch because “you just don’t want to annoy someone who’s that powerful in the business you’re trying to break into”.

The victim also described the aftermath of the alleged assault, saying he was “completely traumatized and life-ruining” as a result of the incident. He told police he did not go to the police immediately because he was worried about being “blackballed” or ostracized in the industry. He also said he did not want to disrupt his career, as he had yet to establish himself.

Under cross-examination, Spacey’s lawyer suggested that the victim had not said no to the alleged advances and that he had questioned his own sexuality after the incident. The victim rejected these claims, saying “you can’t say no when you are asleep” and that he had manufactured the allegations to “make money”, which he denied.

The victim described Spacey as a “vile sexual predator” who had taken advantage of him while he was asleep. He also said that Spacey had made him feel “weirdly special” by clearing out time to meet with him, which made him feel “woozy” and eventually led to him falling asleep.

The trail is ongoing, with Spacey denying all 12 sexual assault charges against four men.