French President Emmanuel Macron has called for order and calm in the wake of several days of unrest across the country following the police killing of 17-year-old boy Nahel Merzouk. The officer accused of shooting Nahel is in custody, charged with voluntary homicide, and a judge in Versailles has rejected his request for release pending further investigation. Macron made the remarks in the southern city of Pau, on the edge of the Pyrenees, where he acknowledged that France had just lived through a critical moment in its history. He emphasized the need for order, calm, and unity, as well as a focus on addressing the deeper causes of the unrest. However, he did not specify what those causes are.
Macron has previously blamed the parents of young rioters and social networks like TikTok and Snapchat for fueling violence, which has spread to over 500 cities and towns. However, some activists and residents of the low-income neighborhoods where the violence began have called the killing evidence of systemic police brutality and unaddressed racial discrimination in France. Nahel was of North African origin.
The French government has faced intense scrutiny in recent years over its policing practices, particularly in low-income neighborhoods where many people feel they are subject to unfair treatment and profiling. The killing of Nahel has sparked widespread outrage and calls for change, with many calling for greater accountability and transparency from law enforcement. As efforts to quell the flames of unrest unfold, it remains to be seen whether the government will take meaningful steps to address the systemic issues behind the violence. For many, the killing of Nahel is a tragic reminder of the ongoing struggles faced by marginalized communities in France.